World Politics

Kashmir-Diary: Pakistan’s Perspective on Article 35A, 370 and the Indian Supreme Court’s Decision

A poignant account, we are presented with a vivid tableau of a region entrenched in strife, where resilience thrives amid adversity.

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, a stalwart of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, emerged from a four-year-long unlawful detention under the shadow of the Illegal Indian Occupation of Jammu and Kashmir (IlOJ&K) with unyielding determination. His tears flowed freely as he ascended the pulpit, a testament to the enduring spirit of Kashmir.

Since August 5, 2019, the leaders of Hurriyat have endured incarceration in Indian prisons. Yasin Malik, a prominent figure, languishes in the throes of a slow decay within the confines of a death cell.

Exactly today, the caretaker Prime Minister took head-on in UNGA and called India for its atrocities. In crux, he provided resolve and determination to the freedom struggle.

The once paradisiacal IIOK has transmuted into the world’s largest military garrison, a cruel open prison that defies description. Draconian laws have shackled the Kashmiris, reducing them to conditions more pitiable than those of slaves or stray dogs.

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Detention centers teem with Muslim youths, suspected members of the freedom movement, subjected to brutal torture. The cries of Kashmiri girls and women violated by Indian occupying forces and RSS members echo through the valley, a sinister reality overshadowing over two decades.

The valley, now marred by unmarked graves and mass burials, bears witness to the unforgiving genocide of its Muslim inhabitants. Over 120,000 have fallen as martyrs, their voices stifled by the resounding silence of the international community.

Modi’s audacious bid to host the G20 Summit in Srinagar aimed to mask the blemish of his sinful act on August 5, 2019. His intentions to develop the region stand tainted by ulterior motives to alter its demographic makeup.

The BJP regime, echoing a malevolent past, endeavors to transform the Muslim majority into a minority, mirroring events in Jammu during the Partition of India in 1947.

The international community’s indifference to the state-sponsored terror inflicted by over a million Indian forces since 1989 is a painful truth. Regrettably, even Pakistan’s response has been lackluster.

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In this crucible, a few thousand Kashmiri freedom fighters persist, branded as terrorists by India and its allies. Their existence is fraught with peril, as they face daily threats, even the youngest among them.

Does anyone recall this youngster? He witnessed the tragic loss of his grandfather, who was taken from him at the tender age of three, a victim of the Indian Army’s actions. As they continue to create more individuals in the vein of Burhan Wani, it’s hypocritical to raise a fuss when these youths retaliate and strive for their independence.

India’s continued defiance of UN resolutions, which call for the right to self-determination promised by Nehru in December 1948, remains a scar on the fabric of international justice. Instead, India revoked J&K’s special status in 1949, splitting the disputed region into two Indian Union Territories.

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Kulbushan Jadhav, an Indian national, is currently sentenced to death in Pakistan on charges of terrorism. Additionally, eight Indian Navy personnel are incarcerated in a prison in Qatar, facing potential capital punishment on charges related to espionage.

Modi’s relentless pressure on Pakistan to abandon its stance on Kashmir, coupled with threats to annex AJK and GB, only fans the flames of animosity. India’s covert war, waged since 2002, casts a long shadow over the subcontinent, exacerbated by persistent cross-border terrorism.

A litany of provocations, including the LoC flare-up in 2014 and a barrage of false flag operations, reveals India’s aggressive tactics. Without addressing the Kashmir issue, peace between India and Pakistan remains an elusive dream.

Resolution lies beyond bilateral dialogue or force. While third-party mediation is conceivable with the right global alignment, the specter of powerful backers looms large.

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While citing improved conditions on the ground in Jammu and Kashmir, it’s important to note that Northern Railway is planning aerial and ground assessments to potentially extend the railway track from Baramulla to the border town of Uri. However, this development has raised concerns about regional security, particularly given India’s controversial stance and actions in the area.

For Pakistan, alternatives to conflict lie in exacting a cost for India’s occupation of IIOK through strategic means. This approach, while reciprocated in certain areas, has yet to receive a proportional response due to diplomatic constraints.

No quantity of Bollywood influence and sponsored video blogs can alter this stark truth. These Wani-inspired individuals will persist until they achieve freedom. May Allah safeguard those striving for liberation. The sacrifice of the innocent shall not be in vain. With the grace of Allah, Kashmir will attain its freedom.

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