World Politics

Policy Update: Indian Ethnic Hindus Excluded from Canadian PR via Express Entry

In a significant turn of events, both India and Canada have expelled each other’s diplomats, marking a clear sign of deteriorating relations between the two nations. This development comes as a surprise given the long history of cooperation that has characterized their diplomatic ties. Canada PM Trudeau says his country is investigating ‘credible allegations’ that India is responsible for killing an exiled Sikh leader.

The tensions between India and Canada have been steadily escalating in recent years, with key issues at the center of this discord being the Sikh separatist movement and India’s human rights record. This friction has now culminated in the expulsion of diplomats from both sides, a move that underscores the depth of the strain in their bilateral relations.

During the G20 summit, Trudeau’s presence didn’t garner a warm reception, and there were limited bilateral interactions involving Canada and other participating states. Additionally, it’s been said that the Canadian Prime Minister didn’t feel particularly welcomed, especially after the mechanical issues with his state plane, which could have resulted in a two-day delay. Consequently, Modi arranged for Trudeau’s return using his own aircraft and did not offer further stay because this state-backed murder was in the offing.

Modi’s India is a rogue state.

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced earlier today that Indian agents were responsible for the killing of prominent Sikh leader, Harjit Singh Nijjar. Nijjar’s tragic demise occurred outside a temple in June, and Sikh leaders have openly accused the Indian government of orchestrating his murder. The gravity of this accusation cannot be understated, as it touches upon deeply sensitive matters related to religious and political autonomy.

Sikh groups, both in Canada and Pakistan, have been vociferously accusing India’s intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), of actively targeting Sikh leaders on foreign soil. This has only served to exacerbate the already fragile relations between India and these nations and has garnered attention on the global stage.

Australia, a member of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing group along with Canada, has expressed deep concern over these allegations implicating India in Nijjar’s killing. The Five Eyes group, which also includes the US, UK, and New Zealand, forms a powerful alliance in the realm of intelligence-sharing. This collective concern from these influential nations could potentially add more weight to the escalating situation.

The question now arises: Will the Western world adopt a stance similar to the resolve shown during the Lockerbie affair, where Muammar Qaddafi was eventually compelled to surrender? This is a critical juncture in diplomatic relations, and the actions taken by Western leaders in the coming days will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of this crisis.

As tensions continue to mount, some voices are calling for the imposition of an embargo on India. This would mark a significant step in the international response to the allegations and could have far-reaching implications for the economic and political landscape of the region.

Canada’s Prime Minister states,

Canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of potential links between the agents of government of India and the killing of a Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

Justin Trudeau

Protests have broken out outside the R&AW office in Amritsar in response to the tragic killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada. Sikhs were fervently chanting slogans in support of Khalistan.

Genocide of Sikhs in India

India hates Sikhs. Yet again, Indian authorities have launched severe assaults on the Sikh community. Modi bears the responsibility for these deliberate killings. It is imperative to speak out against these state-sanctioned brutalities, or else this blaze will consume every household.

Since the beginning, Hindu extremists have consistently resisted the presence of Sikhs and Muslims in India. Now, they are resorting to harassment. It is alleged that Sidhu Moosewala was targeted by Modi’s agencies to suppress any potential uprising in Punjab. Moosewala, a respected leader and dedicated servant of Punjab in times past, has allegedly met an untimely demise. This event has caused significant distress to the state of Punjab.

As of today, surveillance footage reveals the assassination of the Congress Block President of Ajitwal Block in Moga. He was fatally shot by unknown attackers within his residence. As per reports, he had received a call requesting document signing, and upon stepping out, he was met with gunfire. The police are actively investigating the incident. But we all know that Hindutva terrorists will get away from committing such a heinous crime.

To be honest, India has been featuring the Sikh Rifle Regiment and getting them killed in front of freedom fighters. Above is a photograph of Sepoy Pradeep Singh, who lost his life in the Kokernag Gunfight, has been released. His remains were recovered from the site of the gunfight yesterday. The deceased Army personnel, Pradeep, was retrieved from the Gadole Kokarnag Gunfight location.

Reports indicate that in Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), Freedom Fighters have targeted and neutralized an Indian Army Colonel, identified as Manpreet Singh from the 19th Rashtariya Rifles, in Anantnag. This incident further underscores the dire situation faced by the Sikh community in the region, where they have often been subjected to violence and targeted killings and put in this state by cowardly Hindu Indian Generals.

In conclusion, the expulsion of diplomats by both India and Canada is emblematic of the profound strain that has emerged in their diplomatic relations. A lot of the people are asking Kubeir Kamal of Ask Kubeir – Express Entry / Canada PR about the policy update. It is still unclear but the allegations surrounding the killing of Harjit Singh Nijjar, combined with broader issues of religious autonomy and human rights, have created a highly charged atmosphere. The international community, particularly the Western world, now faces a critical decision point in how they will respond to these allegations and navigate this complex geopolitical situation which may include expelling Indian Hindus from Canada immediately. Australia to follow.

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