Religion & spirituality

What Is This “Taghut” Word Recently Mentioned On Pakistani Television?

I went live with Sahil Adeem and to be honest, he had no clue when I was trolling him about his favourite subject on portals. But my oh my, this person is way ahead. He actually lured all the PTI support to eventually make them aware of the scenario where Imran Khan was himself privy of the dajjalic system.

The term Taghut has recently been highlighted in Pakistani media by Sahil Adeem where he undertook all the Liberals, Feminists, and Athiest as a sexton into a collective grave, drawing from its numerous mentions in the Qur’an.

Agreeing or disagreeing with Sahil Adeem is one thing, but the way he exposed Islamophobic propaganda machines (Taghoot / Taghut, also known as the Dajjalic System) has triggered liberals, feminists, and atheists.

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Notably, it appears in Ayah 2:256, which states:

“There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.”

Linguistic and Religious Definition

Ibn al-Jawzī Rahimaullah describes Taghut linguistically as derived from tughyan, meaning to exceed the set limits. [Zad al-Masir, 2/125]

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim Rahimaullah provides a detailed religious context:

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It is everything in which man exceeds his limits, whether it is being worshiped, followed, or obeyed. The Taghut of each community includes those who are sought for judgment instead of Allah and His Messenger, those worshipped besides Allah, those followed without proof from Allah, and those obeyed without knowing if it aligns with Allah’s judgment. Most people have turned from worshipping Allah alone to worshipping Taghut, seeking judgment from Taghut, and obeying and following Taghut. [I’lām Al-Muwaqqi’īn (1/50)]

Taghut, therefore, represents any entity or person that diverts individuals from the path of Allah, making it a critical concept in Islamic theology and practice.

What is meant by Taghut?

From a linguistic perspective, Taghut is applied to every person who exceeds the limits of servitude to Allah. According to the Qur’an, Taghut refers to someone who, by surpassing the limits of servitude to Allah, declares themselves as the lord of others, encouraging people to worship them instead of Allah. There are three types of such people:

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  1. The first type is the person who claims sovereignty by disobeying Allah’s commands and considers the judgment of Allah as secondary.
  2. The second type is the one who enforces their own laws over the divine laws of Allah.
  3. The third type is the one who submits to anyone other than Allah and follows a system other than the Shariah.

Rejecting all forms of Taghut is essential for true monotheism, as stated in the Qur’an: “There is no compulsion in religion; the right way stands clearly distinguished from the wrong.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:256)

Definition of Taghut by Maulana Maududi

Taghut refers to any force or entity that rebels against Allah’s sovereignty and leads people away from His path. This can include false gods, tyrants, or any authority that demands obedience contrary to Allah’s commandments. Maulana Maududi emphasized that Muslims must reject Taghut in all its forms to uphold the true monotheism of Islam.

To delve deeper into Maulana Maududi’s interpretation, you can look into his works such as “Tafheem-ul-Quran” and other writings where he extensively discusses the concept.

A Modern Example of Taghut

A clear and undeniable example of Taghut, as some argue, is the United Nations (UN). This viewpoint suggests that the UN represents a system of authority that deviates from the principles set by Allah and His Messenger. Critics claim that by joining the UN, rulers of Muslim countries are submitting to a global authority that may conflict with Islamic values and laws.

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Contextual Understanding

This perspective stems from the belief that any governance or entity seeking judgment outside the framework of Islamic law and promoting principles contrary to Islamic teachings can be considered Taghut. The concern is that international bodies like the UN can influence Muslim-majority nations to adopt policies or practices not aligned with Islamic principles, thus leading to the worship and obedience of Taghut.

This interpretation highlights the importance of critically evaluating the alignment of global institutions and agreements with Islamic teachings and the potential spiritual implications for Muslim communities.

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