Religion & spirituality

Qasas ul Anbiya: Stories of the Prophets

In the miraculous journey of Isra, the Night Journey, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was transported from Mecca to Jerusalem on the celestial creature, Buraq. Upon reaching the revered city, he led the prophets of old, including Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, and others, in prayer at the Qibla Awal, the first qibla (direction of prayer).

From there, Prophet Muhammad ascended through the heavens, encountering the esteemed prophets of previous nations along the way. Each encounter was a testament to the continuity of prophethood and the interconnectedness of divine messages throughout history. As he ascended, he received guidance and blessings from each prophet, reaffirming the unity of faith and the timeless message of submission to the will of Allah.

Today, I discuss briefly, each of the prominent prophets of Islam.

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1. Hazrat Adam (Prophet Adam)

Hazrat Adam is recognized as the first human being and the first prophet in Islam. Created by Allah from clay, he was endowed with knowledge and placed in Paradise with his wife, Hawwa (Eve). They lived in bliss until they were tempted by Shaytan (Satan) to eat from the forbidden tree. Upon doing so, they realized their mistake and sought forgiveness. Allah forgave them but sent them to live on Earth, where they would face challenges and be tested. Adam’s story is one of creation, fall, and redemption, emphasizing the mercy and wisdom of Allah.

2. Hazrat Ilyas (Prophet Elijah)

Hazrat Ilyas, also known as Prophet Elijah, was a messenger of Allah sent to the people of bni-Israel to call them back to the worship of one God and to abandon idolatry. He is known for his confrontation with the idol-worshipping King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. Despite facing great opposition and danger, Hazrat Ilyas remained steadfast in preaching monotheism. His story is one of courage, commitment to faith, and divine support in the face of adversity.

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3. Hazrat Hud (Prophet Hud)

Hazrat Hud, known as Prophet Hud in Islamic tradition, was sent by Allah to the people of ‘Ad, who were known for their strength, craftsmanship, and tall buildings. Despite their knowledge of Allah, they worshipped other gods alongside Him. Hud preached monotheism and warned them of the consequences of their idolatry, but they questioned his motives and mocked him. As they persisted in their arrogance, Allah sent a devastating drought followed by a violent storm that destroyed the disbelievers. Only the faithful who heeded Hud’s warnings were spared. This story emphasizes the importance of humility and the worship of one God.

4. Hazrat Saleh (Prophet Saleh)

The story of Hazrat Saleh and the miraculous camel is a significant event in Islamic tradition. Hazrat Saleh was sent as a prophet to the people of Thamud, who were known for their idolatry and wickedness. To guide them towards monotheism, the people demanded a miracle from Saleh. In response, a unique and enormous she-camel, which was ten months pregnant, miraculously emerged from the mountains as a sign from Allah. Saleh warned the people to respect the camel and allow it to drink freely from their water supply. However, some disbelievers among the Thamud people, defying Saleh’s warnings, hamstrung and killed the camel. This act of defiance led to their downfall, as Allah’s punishment came upon them in the form of a devastating earthquake, destroying the disbelievers and leaving only the faithful followers of Saleh. This story serves as a lesson on the consequences of disobedience and the importance of heeding the messages of prophets.

5. Hazrat Ibrahim (Prophet Abraham)

The story of Hazrat Ibrahim, also known as Prophet Abraham, is one of faith and divine intervention. When Ibrahim challenged the idol-worshipping practices of his people, including his own father, he was met with fierce opposition. His rejection of idols led to a decree by the king, Nimrod, that Ibrahim should be burned alive as punishment for his defiance. A massive fire was prepared, and Ibrahim was thrown into it. However, by Allah’s command, the fire became cool and safe for Ibrahim, and he emerged unscathed. This miraculous event demonstrated the power of faith and the protection Allah provides to the righteous. This story is often cited as an example of unwavering faith in the face of persecution and is revered in Islamic tradition.

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6. Hazrat Ismael (Prophet Ishmael)

The story of Hazrat Ismael’s sacrifice is a powerful testament to faith and obedience. In this story, Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) is tested by Allah with a command to sacrifice his beloved son, Ismael. Ibrahim prepares to carry out the command, but at the moment of sacrifice, Allah intervenes and provides a ram to be sacrificed in Ismael’s place. This act of submission to Allah’s will is commemorated by Muslims around the world during the festival of Eid al-Adha.

7. Hazrat Musa (Prophet Moses)

The story of Hazrat Musa, known as Prophet Moses in other traditions, is one of the most compelling narratives in Islamic history. Born into a time when the Pharaoh of Egypt was oppressing the Israelites, Musa was set adrift in the Nile by his mother to save him from the Pharaoh’s decree to kill all newborn Hebrew boys. Rescued by the Pharaoh’s own family, Musa was raised in the royal household but never forgot his heritage.

As an adult, after accidentally killing a man, Musa fled to the desert where he received his prophetic mission at the burning bush: to return to Egypt and lead the Israelites to freedom. With his brother Harun (Aaron), Musa confronted the Pharaoh, demanding the release of his people. When the Pharaoh refused, Egypt was struck by a series of plagues. Finally, the Pharaoh relented, but later pursued the Israelites to the edge of the Red Sea. In a miraculous event, the sea parted, allowing Musa and the Israelites to escape, while the pursuing Egyptian forces were destroyed. Musa then received the Torah at Mount Sinai, a pivotal moment in the religious history that established the covenant between Allah and the Israelites. Musa’s life is marked by his unwavering faith and his role as a leader and messenger of Allah.

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8. Hazrat Harun (Prophet Aaron)

Hazrat Harun, known as Prophet Aaron in other traditions, was the elder brother of Hazrat Musa (Prophet Moses). Born into the family of Imran in Egypt, Harun was appointed by Allah as a prophet to assist Musa in his mission to guide the Israelites to monotheism and freedom from the Pharaoh’s tyranny.

Harun was known for his eloquence and often spoke on behalf of Musa, who had a speech impediment. When Musa ascended Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments, Harun was left to lead the Israelites. During this time, a man named Samiri created a golden calf, leading some Israelites astray into idol worship. Harun attempted to guide them back to the worship of Allah but was met with resistance.

Upon Musa’s return, he was initially angered by the sight of the idolatry and confronted Harun, who explained his efforts to maintain order and faith among the people. Together, they worked to restore monotheism among the Israelites. Harun’s legacy is one of steadfast support, patience, and leadership alongside his brother Musa.

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9. Hazrat Dawud (Prophet David)

Hazrat Dawud, known as Prophet David in other traditions, was a significant figure renowned for his wisdom, bravery, and devotion to Allah. Born in Jerusalem in the 10th century BCE, he is celebrated for defeating the giant warrior Goliath with a single stone from his sling, an act that symbolized the triumph of faith and courage over might.

After this victory, Daud’s fame grew, and he eventually became the King of Israel. He was also blessed with a melodious voice that could move mountains, plants, and animals, and he used this gift to sing praises to Allah. Additionally, Allah bestowed upon him the ability to understand the language of animals. Daud faced challenges, including jealousy and threats from King Saul (Talut), but he overcame them with grace and forgiveness. He was also given the Zabur (Psalms), a divine scripture, as a guide for the people. His legacy is one of righteousness, justice, and the importance of spiritual connection with Allah.

10. Hazrat Suleiman (Prophet Solomon)

Hazrat Suleiman, known as Prophet Solomon, was a wise and powerful prophet and king. He inherited the kingdom from his father, Hazrat Dawud (Prophet David), and was known for his fair judgment, understanding of the natural world, and ability to communicate with animals and jinn.

Allah granted him control over the wind, which allowed him to travel vast distances quickly, and the jinn, who performed tasks for him. One of his most famous encounters was with the Queen of Sheba, whose kingdom he integrated into his own after a series of events that showcased his wisdom and the blessings of Allah. Hazrat Suleiman’s life is marked by his extraordinary abilities, his just rule, and his dedication to monotheism.

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11. Hazrat Yahya (Prophet John the Baptist)

Hazrat Yahya, known as John the Baptist in other traditions, was a revered prophet in Islam. He was the son of Prophet Zakariyyah and was granted to his father in response to fervent prayers despite the old age of his parents. Yahya was known for his piety and wisdom from a young age, and he lived a life dedicated to worship and calling people to righteousness.

He was a contemporary of Hazrat Isa (Jesus) and is believed to have recognized and affirmed Isa’s prophethood. Yahya’s life was marked by his devotion and his call for repentance. He is also noted for his ascetic lifestyle, often living in the wilderness and surviving on a meager diet. His death came as a result of his outspokenness against the injustices of the time, particularly the unlawful marriage of a ruler, which led to his martyrdom. His legacy is one of courage in the face of corruption and steadfastness in faith.

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13. Hazrat Zakariyyah (Prophet Zachariah)

Hazrat Zakariyyah, also known as Prophet Zachariah, was a descendant of Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) and served as the leader of the Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. Despite his old age and the barrenness of his wife, he remained devoted to Allah and prayed earnestly for a child. Allah answered his prayers and granted him a son, Prophet Yahya (John), even in his old age. This miraculous event is celebrated as an example of Allah’s power and mercy. Zakariyyah’s life is a testament to the virtue of patience and the importance of trust in Allah’s plans.

14. Hazrat Ayub (Prophet Job)

Hazrat Ayub, known as Prophet Job in other traditions, is celebrated for his extraordinary patience in the face of severe trials. He was a prosperous man, blessed with wealth, a large family, and good health. However, he was tested by Allah with the loss of his possessions, the death of his children, and a painful illness that afflicted his entire body except for his heart and tongue, which he used to remember Allah.

Despite his suffering, Hazrat Ayub remained steadfast in his faith, never despairing or turning away from his devotion to Allah. His story is one of unwavering patience and trust in Allah’s wisdom. In recognition of his perseverance, Allah eventually restored his health, wealth, and gave him a family as numerous as before, serving as a powerful reminder of the rewards of patience and faith.

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15. Hazrat Isa (Prophet Jesus)

Hazrat Isa, known as Prophet Jesus in other traditions, was born to Maryam (Mary), who was a chaste and devout woman. Isa’s birth was a miracle as he had no father. The angel Jibril (Gabriel) brought the news to Maryam that she would bear a child who would be a revered prophet. Despite her initial astonishment, as she was unmarried and chaste, the divine decree was fulfilled when Isa was born.

Hazrat Isa was endowed with many miracles, including speaking as an infant to defend his mother’s honor. As he grew, he performed numerous other miracles such as healing the sick and reviving the dead, by Allah’s permission. He called people to worship Allah alone and led a life of piety, wisdom, and compassion. His message challenged the prevailing social and religious order, which eventually led to opposition from the authorities.

According to Islamic belief, when the plot to crucify him was enacted, Allah raised Isa to Heaven and he was not crucified. Instead, it appeared so to the conspirators. Hazrat Isa’s return to Earth is a sign of the Day of Judgment, and he remains a significant figure in Islamic eschatology.

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16. Hazrat Ishaq (Prophet Isaac)

Hazrat Ishaq, known as Prophet Isaac in other traditions, was the son of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his wife Sarah. His birth was a miracle, as Sarah was barren and both were of advanced age when angels brought the glad tidings of his birth.

Ishaq inherited his father’s prophetic mission, preaching monotheism and guiding his people to righteousness. He married Rebecca and had twin sons, Esau and Jacob, with Jacob continuing the prophetic lineage. Ishaq’s life is a testament to faith and the fulfillment of Allah’s promises.

18. Hazrat Shuaib (Prophet Jethro)

Hazrat Shuaib, also identified in Biblical texts as Jethro, was a prophet dispatched to the inhabitants of Midian, a society entrenched in dishonest trade and idol worship. He conveyed the message of monotheism to them, emphasizing the importance of integrity and fairness in their transactions.

Despite his admonitions, the people of Midian persisted in their unjust practices, ultimately facing divine retribution. The narrative of Hazrat Shuaib serves as a poignant reminder of the repercussions of forsaking truth and equity.

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19. Hazrat Nuuh (Prophet Noah)

The story of Hazrat Nuh (also known as Prophet Noah) is a profound tale of faith and obedience. When his people persisted in idolatry and ignored his calls to worship Allah alone, Allah commanded Nuh to build an ark in preparation for a great flood that would cleanse the earth of its corruption.

Despite mockery from his contemporaries, Nuh faithfully constructed the ark under divine guidance. As the flood began, he boarded the ark with those who believed, along with pairs of all creatures. The waters eventually receded, and the ark settled on Mount Judi, marking a new beginning for human life on earth.

This story is celebrated for its lessons on resilience and trust in divine will.

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20. Hazrat Yusuf (Prophet Joseph)

The story of Hazrat Yusuf (also known as Prophet Joseph) is a tale of jealousy, betrayal, and redemption. Yusuf was the beloved son of Prophet Yaqub (Jacob), and his brothers envied the special love their father had for him.

One day, driven by jealousy, they plotted against Yusuf. They took him out under the pretense of play and threw him into a well, intending to get rid of him.

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They returned to their father with a false story that a wolf had devoured Yusuf, presenting his shirt stained with fake blood as evidence.

Meanwhile, Yusuf was rescued from the well by a passing caravan and eventually sold into slavery in Egypt, which marked the beginning of another chapter in his life.

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21. Hazrat Yunus (Prophet Jonah)

According to Islamic tradition, Hazrat Younus (AS) was a prophet sent to guide the ancient Israelites toward the worship of one God and righteous living.

Hazrat Younus (AS) preached Islam to the people of Nineveh, in modern-day Iraq. However, they rejected his message and refused to repent.

Feeling frustrated, Hazrat Younus (AS) left Nineveh and boarded a ship. God sent a storm, and the sailors threw him overboard, believing he was the cause. He was swallowed by a large fish and remained inside for three days and nights.

In the belly of the fish, Hazrat Younus (AS) prayed for forgiveness. God answered, and the fish released him onto land.

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Hazrat Younus (AS) returned to Nineveh, where the people accepted his message and repented.

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