
Pakistan’s Self-Defeating Policy of Appeasement: A Call for Comprehensive Reforms

Pakistan finds itself in a unique position, where it appears susceptible to insults and criticism from various quarters without offering a robust response. The root cause of this vulnerability lies in the compromised elite class, controlling a significant portion of the national wealth, and a ruling class willing to compromise national interests for the sake of power and wealth.

The ODI Asian World Cup cricket tournament in India has brought to light the deep-seated animosity of India and Afghanistan towards Pakistan. The Pakistan Cricket Board’s decision to participate in India, despite years of hostility, raises questions about prioritizing national pride over sports diplomacy.

India’s historical attempts to destabilize Pakistan, coupled with its refusal to play in Pakistan, should have prompted a stronger stance from the Pakistan Cricket Board. The animosity reflects a broader strategy by India to weaken and undo Pakistan, evident in its past successes like the division of Pakistan in 1971.

The failure to distinguish between friends and foes by Pakistan’s civil and military leaders is deliberate, motivated by personal interests rather than a lack of information. Despite clear hostilities from the US, UK, India, and Israel, Pakistan’s elites continue to pursue one-sided appeasement, ignoring the harsh realities.

Dr. Michael Marke’s books, “No Exit from Pakistan” and “USA’s Strategy for Pakistan & Afghanistan,” shed light on the US policy to keep Pakistan engaged but controlled since the 1950s. CIA’s involvement in Pakistan’s internal affairs, including the division of Pakistan in 1971 and destabilization through proxy wars, is detailed in his second book.

The attempt to execute a plan on May 9, 2023, to undermine Gen Asim Munir’s leadership and trigger economic collapse was thwarted. The subsequent crackdown has led to the arrest of perpetrators, exposing internal and external conspiracies.

The decision to expel over 4 million Afghan refugees, a significant security and economic burden, is a bold move by Gen Asim Munir and the interim government. Despite external pressures, they are focused on addressing chronic issues before the upcoming elections on February 8.

The political landscape is marred by conspiracies as PML-N, PPP, fractured PTI factions, and smaller parties vie for power. Imran Khan’s disqualification and imprisonment have shifted political dynamics, with PML-N making strategic alliances and PPP seeking a level playing field.

The elections, touted as a solution to Pakistan’s challenges, may prove ineffective without comprehensive reforms. Calls for reforms in electoral, judicial, bureaucratic, police, education, economic, and moral domains are essential for meaningful and purposeful elections.

The need for internal reforms is paramount, given the historical one-sided appeasement and the growing discontent between the leadership and the people of Pakistan. As the nation approaches a critical juncture, the interim government’s commitment to reforms will determine Pakistan’s trajectory in the coming months.

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The Taliban’s recent expressions of hostility towards Pakistan underscore the concerns I’ve consistently raised: that the Taliban and TTP are essentially two sides of the same coin. I want to emphasize that the Pakistani military is taking appropriate steps to ensure the departure of Afghans from our country. It’s noteworthy that the United States is aligning with the Afghan perspective. My stance remains that the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, etc., are proxies of the USA, all working with the singular goal of causing harm to Muslims.

After undergoing comprehensive training and transformation, these individuals would be reintroduced, either in Afghanistan or Pakistan, with the aim of instigating cultural shifts and gaining control over the political landscape in both of these nations.

The 19th Asian Games concluded in China on October 8th, with 12,000 athletes from 45 countries participating. Pakistan achieved the 31st position in the medal standings. Notably, male athletes and players reportedly decided not to win any gold medals due to the belief that wearing gold is prohibited for men in Islam. Similarly, women athletes and players refused first positions, expressing a perspective that gold represents worldly possessions, and they were more focused on seeking eternal salvation. Consequently, Pakistan did not pursue any of the 475 gold medals available. However, there were individuals who claimed one silver and two bronze medals, and when reminded of the consequences for violating the national policy, these medal winners reportedly opted to seek asylum elsewhere.

In contrast, neighboring countries, including Afghanistan, outperformed Pakistan on the medals’ table. India, for instance, secured a total of 107 medals, comprising 28 gold, 38 silver, and 41 bronze. The post mentions that Pakistan is contemplating an appropriate response to India’s performance, hinting at the preparation of patriotic songs (“Millie Naghmay”) as part of this response.

Amid this backdrop, authorities are reportedly considering the possibility of shutting down sports and Olympic bodies, citing the redirection of the funds allocated to these bodies towards other areas like the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and discretionary fund allocations to parliamentarians. The overall tone reflects a sense of disillusionment with the state of Pakistani sports, lamenting its decline.

Key Decisions of the Apex Committee with Relevance to Afghanistan

The Apex Committee has recently announced crucial decisions in response to the expectations of the Pakistani people, with specific relevance to the situation involving Afghanistan. Here are some of the significant measures:

  1. Deadline for Departure: All foreign nationals residing in Pakistan illegally are urged to leave the country by October 31, 2023.
  2. Enforcement Actions: Starting November 1, 2023, federal and provincial law enforcement agencies will take necessary measures to apprehend and forcibly deport all unlawfully residing foreigners.
  3. Border Control Measures: Effective from October 10, 2023, travel across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border will require a computerized identity card (E-Tazkira), and from November 1, 2023, only passport and visa holders will be allowed passage.
  4. Confiscation of Assets: Commencing November 1, 2023, businesses and properties owned by illegal foreigners will be confiscated, and legal action will be taken against both these unlawful business operators and their accomplices.
  5. Punitive Measures for Supporters: Stringent legal measures will be taken against any Pakistani citizen or company found providing shelter or support to illegal foreigners in Pakistan after November 1, 2023.
  6. Task Force for Fraudulent Documentation: A task force, under the Ministry of Home Affairs, will work towards identifying individuals with counterfeit identity cards and properties acquired through fraudulent documentation.
  7. Invalidation of Counterfeit Identity Cards: NADRA has been instructed to promptly invalidate all counterfeit identity cards, and in cases of identity doubt, DNA tests will be conducted for confirmation.
  8. Reporting Mechanism: Information regarding the illegal residence or business activities of foreigners in Pakistan can be reported through the web portal and UAN helpline, with assured confidentiality for those cooperating with the city government.
  9. Action Against Illegal Activities: Vigorous action is already being taken against illegal activities such as hoarding, smuggling, and power theft, with no immunity for those involved.
  10. Smuggling Combat Measures: Joint check posts have been established with custom powers to combat smuggling, and technology is being employed to monitor the transportation of essential food items.
  11. Efforts Against Illicit Practices: Efforts to combat currency smuggling, hawala handi business, and electricity theft are underway, with a reporting mechanism for individuals involved in such activities.
  12. Drug Control Center: A narcotics control center will be established to coordinate anti-narcotics efforts and provide intelligence information, with strict punishments for drug traffickers.
  13. Drug Rehabilitation Centers: Drug rehabilitation centers will be established in each province in a phased manner.
  14. Ban on Armed Groups: Only the state is authorized to use force, and no political armed groups or organizations are permitted in Pakistan.
  15. Religious Exploitation: Islam, as a religion of peace, will not be exploited for political purposes, and the state will not tolerate interpretations of religion that aim to achieve political goals.
  16. Minority Rights: The rights of minorities and religious freedom are integral to Islam and the Pakistani constitution, and the state will enforce the law rigorously against any violations.
  17. Peaceful Presentation of Demands: Organizations based in the country can peacefully and legally present their legitimate demands to the state for resolution.
  18. Cyber Law Enforcement: Propaganda and disinformation campaigns will be strictly dealt with under cyber laws.
  19. Implementation Procedures: Technical procedures are being devised to ensure awareness and implementation of these laws, with a focus on compliance and the convenience of the people.
  20. Upholding Principles: Upholding the basic principles of faith, unity, and discipline is paramount, and law enforcement agencies are entrusted with maintaining the rule of law while promoting discipline.
  21. National Discipline: Discipline is indispensable for achieving national goals, aligning with the path followed by developed nations worldwide.

These decisions reflect the government’s commitment to addressing security concerns and ensuring the rule of law, with specific measures aimed at managing the challenges associated with undocumented immigrants, border control, and various illicit activities.

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