
Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan in light of Indo-Pak War 1965 Short note

It is believed that the war began on Sept. 6, 1965. But generations have been delivered on this thinking that the war which commenced on 6 Sept 1965 used to be unprovoked and that Pakistan defeated a country many times greater in measurement and population. This has emerged due to the fact that 80 was an important fantasy in the nation-making project. Myths are vital for nation making but myths can be inclusionary, pluralistic, actual to history, and such that they do not induce regressive delusions and false feel of victimhood.

Kashmir is a de-facto part of Pakistan, and so is Kalat, Balochistan, etc. So is Hyderabad, Manawadar, etc. People’s Theory of going to join is so lame that even India never presented this ever in UNSC. The resolution of Plebiscite UN Res. 47 establishes the right of Pakistan which India backed by veto powers is not willing to concede. So, a dispute resolution is proposed therein. And if you want to know, let me tell you each of the things attributed to the UN has nothing to do with the territorial claim of Pakistan or Kashmir. Even if there’d be no UN resolution, Kashmir would be a de-facto part of Pakistan. THAT’S WHAT INTERNATIONAL LAW IS.

This delusion about the 1965 combat is wrong on all counts. First, It is historically false: the combat began a lot earlier than the date mentioned. Second, according to all unbiased observers, Pakistan misplaced the struggle on all accounts. Third, this myth promotes hatred and defines Pakistaniyat by way of hatred for India. Fourth and most importantly this delusion makes future follies of the kingdom tolerable and justifiable. This one goes as that India had plans to annex Pakistan into India and therefore attacked unprovoked in sixty-five but the courageous armed forces fought enamel and nail and defeated them. But the ‘Hindu Baniya’ is sensible and he discovered his lesson. He knew that he could not defeat Pakistan in the direct war of words so he created Mukti Bahini and broke Pakistan in 1971.

This means every war is selfish in its essence. If we have to paint wars with morality, then every war is wrong, be it in defense or be it for some other purpose. Wars are neither right nor are they wrong. They are in the selfish pursuit of power and survival. We can’t say for sure if the pursuit of power is noble, or even the pursuit of survival at the cost of massive bloodshed is noble or not.

Related: Nuclear Weapons not Shurli Patakhay

One of the main reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire was military overspending. A hidden message for both Pakistan and India, is not it? We also have another example when Halaku khan massacred Baghdad. The reason why Muslims were destroyed was that the Muslim Khalifah at that time build beautiful gardens and libraries but did not spend enough on the Military. Result? The balance of power got unbalanced and Muslims got destroyed. Here is some statistical data on people willing to Fight for their Country (Gallup: March 2016):

  1. Pakistan 89%
  2. India 75%
  3. Kenya 69%
  4. Russia 59%
  5. Greece 54%
  6. Nigeria 50%
  7. US 44%
  8. France 29%
  9. Germany 18%

Pakistan maintains a Progressive Obligation for Balance of Power

It is also interesting to see how the school curriculum twist history to mold young brains in keeping with the ruling party’s ideology. See, how linear it’s far. Its miles are all predicated on the victory in 1965. instead of forcing us to introspect why east Pakistan separated to turn out to be Bangladesh and whether the genuine struggles of human beings of then east Pakistan discover reflection in conflict of present-day ethnic minorities, it’s far all brushed beneath the idea of conspiracy. So, aside from being historically and factually misguided, and morally incorrect, this fantasy is likewise risky for the current as it enables in portray all struggles for an ethnically numerous and a true federation of Pakistan as conspiracies in opposition to the U.S. Create myths for nationhood via all way, in any case, the state also is a large, big fable, however, make certain that the parable isn’t always the foundation for hatred, false superiority, victim-hood, and myopic patriotism.

Related: Abhi None Done

Rich culturally Pakistan and India are again on verge of war. I wish it is on intellectual fronts though and in healthier points of interest. Pakistan is facing a rise in average temperature for the last two decades. Developed countries like Germany celebrate National Tree day yearly. Japan has 63% of its land area covered by green. India has 22% and Pakistan has only 5%. In this scenario after 1998 (when the last time the plant a tree campaign was started) there is a program for tree plantation at the federal level by the current government. We must also resolve energy crises by going solar upon Government request and appreciate good steps by the government.

Even a ‘small’ nuclear war between India and Pakistan, with each country detonating 50 Hiroshima-size atom bombs could produce so much smoke that temperatures would fall below those of the Little Ice Age of the fourteenth to nineteenth centuries, shortening the growing season around the world and threatening the global food supply.Farah Jassawalla

Wars, fought by armies and states for the acquisition of power, can never be just. Due to Continuous threats from American forces in Afghanistan and from the Indian army and RAW on the Eastern border Pakistan has no option but to spend more on Defence to make sure the balance of power in the region is maintained. India since 1947 has not fully recognized Pakistan as a sovereign state because of this they are always on the look out for opportunities to damage Pakistan. Now that Pakistan’s Defence has become pretty solid they know they can’t fight conventional warfare which is why in the last 20 years Pakistan’s army has been fighting Proxies funded by RAW and CIA. If India and America reduce their aggressive activities against Pakistan then Pakistan will surely follow suit. But will India and America do it? I don’t think so.

Morality and Myths of Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan

Despite this, India’s claim rested solely on this instrument of accession with Hari Singh, which remains no more. The RSS-sponsored Modi Government remained adamant about the fact and wanted to illegally and forcefully usurp the humanitarian rights of Kashmiris by distinctively abrogating the subservient article 35a. By this action, the demographic orientation of Jammu and Kashmir valley is to be distorted by allowing other settlers to settle in. This could not happen without the resistance of the Hurst Leaders and thus genocide is committed. This is like pushing the remaining Muslim population across LOC after all.

Cluster bombs dropped by the Indian Army on both sides of Kashmir

Kashmir is a common problem for all Muslims. 80 years ago, Hitler devised a Nazi plan for the genocide of Jews and called it the ‘Final Solution. Why is the world quiet? How come this brutality in Kashmir is being ignored? Have we lost all humanity? It’s time to raise our voices! It’s time to stand with Kashmir! It’s time to end this brutality and injustice! The use of cluster bombs by the Indian Army violating international conventions is condemned highly.

Article 35a which gave Kashmiris the right to their inherited land is nullified as well. Modi might think otherwise but only the corporate world will purchase land in Kashmir and enjoy it. And so is the satire that Pakistan Armed Forces should announce DHA in Kashmir Valley as free market fascism. By the way, who in their right mind would pay hundreds of thousands to live where they have no job or family and have to go through ten checkpoints to buy milk in the morning?

We as a nation might somewhat be excited for 14th August and Eid but feel very sad for Kashmir. NATO can only compensate Pakistan with Kashmir. It is justified because we have imperiled the Pakistan army at the western border by changing our preferences and we are again going to do so:

All of us remain concerned that the issue of Jammu and Kashmir should be solved through peaceful negotiations and should be willing to lend all the strength we have to the resolution of this matter.Nelson Mandela

After Article 370 removal, that too stands null and void, in my view now any armed help to Kashmiris against Indian Occupied forces to vacate Kashmir is legal and India will have to give independence to Kashmir. Maybe not now but some years down the road like East Timor, South Sudan, and Algeria. 

No weapon can suppress the determination of the Kashmiri populace to get their right to self-determination. Kashmir runs in the blood of every Pakistani. Modi has given us the greatest once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to relaunch the freedom struggle in Kashmir and liberate the land as all international & bilateral treaties have been violated by India. Now we can send in hundreds of thousands of freedom fighters from our tribal areas too. Nevertheless, the indigenous freedom struggle of Kashmiris shall succeed, IA.

Note: Our handsome ex-Prime Minister IK was making a joke of himself when this forceful annexation was made. By now IK must have realized running a country is far more a monumental task than captaining a cricket team, and winning the world cup! Let’s hope this war monger Modi gathers some sense, rather than pushing the entire region to the brink of war.

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