STEP 2: Get the hospital discharge slip (*exception)
This will be required for union council-level birth certificate registration. Chose the baby’s name wisely for his or her future ease of access. Never forge the birth date of your child as this record is mandated for STEP 4. Do not cheat the system. The system stings you back.
STEP 3: Get the birth certificate
The birth certificate is desired for school admissions and pre-requisite for acquiring citizen status with NADRA. The hospital discharge slip and copies of parent NICs are required to get the birth certificate.
Now there are two things. If you belong to the cantonment they need to check if the hospital falls in the same union council or if the hospital does not come under the jurisdiction area of the union council; whereas, elsewhere they need to check the address of the house where the children will live. *For example, our baby’s hospital was on Jail road and we wanted to get him registered by address in DHA Phase V/Walton Cantonment for all practical reasons such as voting ease, etc. then there is a way around as they will ask a come around, by declaring on a 100 rupee affidavit that the natural birth occurred at home under the presence of a doula or a housewife. This is also true if the baby is not born in a hospital actually.