I talked about the Gig Economy…. and hence I give you 15 workable gig ideas that I have built around my areas of interest, starting with the favorite:
Guest post on influential Pakistani social media blog
I love publishing the Most relevant Social Media Guides on Business and Technology subjects. Great chance to get your content SERP improved in the following niches:
- Adventure
- Business
- Communication
- Leadership
- Productivity
- Startups
- Design Critique & Marketing
- Sales Pitch
- Social Media
- E-Commerce
- Entrepreneurship
- Events
- Heros
- Food For Thought
- Global Affairs
- American History
- Lifestyle & Leisure
- Education
- Food
- Health & Fitness
- Music
- Sports and Gaming
- Professionalism
- Human Resource
- Office Diaries
- Society
- Pakistan Affairs
- Quotes
- Religious Affairs
- You Go Girl (Women Empowerment)
- Technological World
- Computers
- IT Security
Related: I will allow a permanent renewable energy guest post on da 50

Get a promotional shoutout on the Pakistani blog
It is almost similar to the one above. In this scenario, I shall give a 300-word descriptive shoutout to promote your product or service on my blog.
The blog caters to an audience of more than 45000 FB page fans and 30000 LinkedIn followers, and I can send the same promotion to an email list of over 64000 active subscribers that I have achieved through it.