Need industrialization in Pakistan
Although many Pakistanis struggle to obtain basic necessities, those with digital skills have an opportunity to earn a living by working remotely and exporting their expertise to clients and companies outside the country. It’s important to note that in developed nations, many workers can support their livelihoods by working eight hours a day. However, the reality in Pakistan is that around 95% of laborers cannot earn enough to make ends meet with an eight-hour workday alone. This is where the opportunity for remote work and exporting digital skills becomes especially appealing, as it can provide an avenue for Pakistani workers to earn competitive wages without having to leave their home country. Some examples of these in-demand digital skills include software development, web design, digital marketing, and data analysis, among others. By leveraging their abilities and the ability to work remotely, Pakistani workers have the potential to earn a living that is competitive with those in developed countries.