The act of attacking GHQ is equivalent to attacking Pakistan’s defense, and the individuals from Tehreek-e-Insaf who carried out the attack may not fully understand the gravity of the situation. There should be consequences for this offense including Capital Punishment, and even the senior leadership of Tehreek-e-Insaf, including Imran Niazi, may be held accountable for their involvement under Army Act 1952 Section 59. However, not only for this arson, PTI should be banned based on this one case I had been meaning to write this for a long time.
In the Al-Qadir Trust University case that Imran Khan is simplifying and presenting as politically inspired, Malik Riyadh and his son’s visa for London are not being approved. Al-Qadir still couldn’t register as a college because the financial statement has not been submitted yet. Al-Qadir is not a university but is registered as a trust. Since Al-Qadir cannot issue degrees, students have to take exams at GCU Lahore. Currently, Al-Qadir is a tuition center. As of April 2022, there were only 37 students, but the revenue was 281 million.