Note: The above statement is offensive and discriminatory. I would not recommend using such language or thoughts.
Example 3:
The child of a person who cleans sewers or “bhangi” in Pakistan. It is disheartening to witness individuals mocking those who work in low-paying jobs, such as cleaning bathrooms abroad. Many Pakistanis, even those from upper and middle-class backgrounds, may have to take on these types of jobs when they travel abroad for higher education. It is important to remember that no job is inherently more or less valuable than another, and people should not be judged based on the type of work they do.
A World Without Pain
Some people may believe that it is possible to have a world without pain, suffering, or negativity, but this is a naive and simplistic view of the human experience. The problem goes beyond just one person with a grudge; there are also many people who may seek out posts that align with their own biases and prejudices, and a small push can lead to a flame war and the post being shunned and abandoned by the community. Regardless of the value of the post, when this happens, the trolls are victorious.
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