Interest = insha’Allah munaffah.
The second thing, the impact is the same in your pocket. This is a manipulative control built to make sure you as a customer pay your rentals on time. After all, the bank is a Financial Institution and exists to earn either Conventional or Islamic. Although it is stated that profit and loss are always shared between the Islamic bank and the customer but eventually every business turns into profit, that’s the miracle of Islamic banks. No bank is out there to give you something with NO PROFIT. If you have to pay any extra amount other the decided amount that’s interesting and that’s Haram. Simple is that.
Argument 2: Also, back to the popular car lease case study.
Interest is one source of the bank’s profit. Using the term “Islamic” is just a marketing strategy to target unknowledgeable “holy people” who cover their eyes like an ostrich. How Islamic Banking works is purely Islamic until the procedure is followed as per the timeline. If not so, then why penalty or donation % is the same as the interest rate in case of a late fee. Interest on loose cash does not have anything liable object attached. In case you don’t pay back, the bank will ask you for money that you don’t have. In case you don’t pay for your car the bank takes your car away.