In 1973, Christine Fair, almost 90% of the federal budget went to military ends. By the late 1980s, around 80% of current spending either paid off debt or funded the army. Little has improved. Christine Fair, whose ‘Fighting to the End’ is similarly sharp, suggests that the $30 billion of direct and indirect aid which America has given Pakistan in the past 11 years has done little but enrich the military men. — Why Pakistan’s army wields so much power
Somewhere between 33 years of martial law to 22 incomplete terms of elected/selected prime ministers we normalized the idea of a dysfunctional and broken system in Pakistan. A system that to date pretends to be democratic and just. A state which mocks our constitution 24/7. Civilian setups like Railways are destroyed to set up NLC. To bring FWO up, they built roads and NLC ran cargo services. CDA was destroyed to support Bahria and DHA. Need to say more about Pakistan post, PMDC, PIDC? Army brats come up with the unacceptable excuse that the reason for the failure of civilian people allows for putting retired military men at such posts.