There was such great potential to have been well utilized but our system just leaves you to your own. We are left to fade away. What a waste of life. We live for ourselves and family but that surely is certainly not the purpose of life.
Not giving up means continuing to be as useful as possible, in spite of knowing there is little one can really do. We must put our heads together and find usefulness to the remaining years of our life. The fifteen most useful remaining years on the average of our life must not go waste. Nation-building and prosperity and useful employment and a satisfying role that we all aspire for.
Why can’t we have a corporate system on the lines of Fauji Foundation and AWT? We all contribute from half a million to a million each as investment/ security and then join this huge well organized Foundation. We could have the main secretariat at Pindi/ Islamabad and a regional provincial secretariat. Twenty to Thirty selected businesses were handled at each secretariat with 10 officers in each business, 20 Jcos and 40 NCOs, and 100 men with an investment of 30 to 50 million( with central loan facility). We would be able to employ quite a large number. There could be the same numbers of professionals at the Officer/ JCOs/ NCOs level. Are given a wide range of activities to choose from, including work from home, and based on our ability and talent are assigned a slot and role to play. We contribute and earn double our pension. Even if 50% of us retiring early in life want to join this effort, we will not end up doing anything and leading a wasteful life.