Family and grandchildren will certainly be better enjoyed. The system should have ample excursion leave and opportunity to see the world as part of one of the businesses of this foundation.
It would be a registered Holding Company and well-governed and administered by the veterans with no hold on it by GHQ.
All our departments of the government could take a lead from this and be self-governed and accounting.
The talent and desire to be usefully self-employed would thus be met. The huge investment this poor nation has made in us would be well returned. This is how nations are built. Yes, we could even aspire to be part of the electoral system, remaining within the system I propose, with all the backing. It’s a wholesome way of life I propose we need to ponder and formulate. I leave a thought for my friends, seniors, and juniors to ponder. Take up from here and make this collective wish of ours come true. Amin.