All this is so that when the soldier is fighting at the front, he knows that his family is being looked after at home.
I’ve too realized we shouldn’t be levying sweeping criticisms and allegations against the institution as a whole. We need to soften our approach, in order not to close out on people with genuine hearts, within the military and those who greatly appreciate their work. But Does Sacrifice looks like DHA and Askari. Nowhere in the world, the Army has commercial properties or businesses. It just happens in Pakistan! That is why our Army has become something else. Largest, most profitable business empire in the country, zero fucking accountability because bloody civilians can’t possibly question my hard-earned tax money going to them.. oh they’re fighting “terrorists”? Bhai koi pooche yeh terrorists aye kider se? Yeah.. The idea has been sold perfectly to poor Pakistanis, to accomplish super-Paki status and accumulate wealth.