Part of M.A Jinnah Address 23rd March, 1940 :
Anyhow, I have placed before you the task that lies ahead of us. Do you realize how big and stupendous it is? Do you realize that you cannot get freedom or independence by mere arguments? I should appeal to the intelligentsia. The intelligentsia in all countries in the world has been the pioneers of any movement for freedom. What does the Muslim intelligentsia propose to do? I may tell you that unless you get this into your blood unless you are prepared to take off your coats and are willing to sacrifice all that you can and work selflessly, earnestly, and sincerely for your people, you will never realize your aim. Friends, I, therefore, want you to make up your mind definitely, and then think of devices and organize your people, strengthen your organization, and consolidate the Mussalmans all over India. I think that the masses are wide awake. They only want your guidance and your lead. Come forward as servants of Islam. organize the people economically, socially, educationally, and politically, and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody. (Cheers.)