Many believe, that during the interview, both Syed Muzamil Hasan Zaidi and Junaid Akram failed to ask any tough questions, present any rebuttals or counter questions, and constantly framed the context in favor of Khan before asking a question in order to avoid damaging the expensive trousers that they had saved for the occasion. Junaid was already in “fan” mode and Muzammil was hesitant and nervous. Imran Khan cut him off many times and he couldn’t get over that. Talha Ahad from The Centrum Media was the only one who was not dressed to impress and the only one who was not seeking employment in Khan’s setup. He made the most of the opportunity and did not hesitate to make Khan uncomfortable throughout the interview, doing justice to his profession in the process. I would like to express my admiration and respect for Talha Ahad. I am now a fan of his.