Related: Child Labour in Pakistan
I had a proposal that let National Assembly pass a Zainab Alert bill with an amendment to the constitution, I still hope that our premier publicly punishes those involved. There should be plenty of evidence:
1. Death sentence for Rape / Rape and Murder;
2. Death sentence to making naked videos and posting on social media;
3. Death sentence to Kidnappers;
4. Publicly hang to Rape or Rape & murderers of Child & Teenagers.
Zia ul Haq did it and there was no kidnapping case for years. As long as brutes such as this walk the lands unchained, we’re all failing. Harshest of examples need to be made out of these rapists so no one would ever dare again. And in the meantime, let’s support the organizations working towards this cause in any and every way we can, in Zainab’s memory.