Ahmedis and their so-called scholars have declared non-Ahmadis kafirs. So there’s no question that they consider themselves non-Muslims and should accept they’re a minority.
In this article, I will blatantly expose Qadiyanis and their methodology to lobby their way into mainstream Pakistani media. In this regard, I seek Allah’s guidance, such that my motive is not to sway away these people from joining the true message of Islam. So far, it is established that Qadiyaniat can and never be a part of Islam. If this is to be accepted then they have all the rights that are to be given to any other minority. However, do you know that this cult thinks “Ijma” (the overwhelming majority) of the Umma digresses?
If you read mirza Ghulam’s book, you will find the front pages of that book, only saying the word LANAT hundred of hundred times to those who don’t follow it. Nevertheless, no hatred is to be exhibited towards them being human beings, after all despite my cognition, the worst of the formats. The debate in 1974 between the then-Qadiani caliph and the parliamentarians took place.
First and foremost, I will discount the fact that besides knowing the repercussion and knowing that a lot a many of the reader populace may have a soft corner for their manifesto, it is to be defined that: