It’s also important that a Greatest Sales Closing Techniques – Close like Lori Greiner! keep their deal pipeline full by filling their funnel with lots of prospects and leads. At Zorays Solar, our established marketing engine distributes leads into the top of the funnel, allowing our sales team to call through these leads and identify those that will materialize into opportunities.
Once a lead is in your sales funnel, you must take care of it by following up, presenting to contacts, and moving the sale through the funnel to eventually close the sale. There are several closing techniques that a Greatest Sales Closing Techniques – Close like Lori Greiner! can leverage to close more deals, such as the sharp angle approach, where concessions are handed back to the customer so they can dictate terms in their own words, or the ask-the-manager-close, where a senior person allows for intervention in terms to leverage time and potential curiosity.