Today I present some textbook recalls about the incidents in the Holy Prophet’s life. Whatever situation you may find yourself in, remember the role model of Ummah, the best of creation, the best man to walk on the face of this Earth, Prophet Muhammad [Peace be upon him]
- When becoming humiliated, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him] in Ta’if.
- When being starved, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him] tying two stones to his stomach in the battle of Khandaq.
- When becoming angry, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s control of anger on the martyrdom of his beloved Uncle Hamza.
- When losing a tooth, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him] ‘s tooth in the battle of Uhud.
- When bleeding from any part of the body, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s a body covered in blood on his return from Ta’if.
- When feeling lonely, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s seclusion in Mount Hira.
- When feeling tired in Salaat, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s blessed feet in Tahajjud.
- When being prickled with thorns, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s pain from Abu Lahab’s wife.
- When being troubled by neighbors, remember the old woman who would empty rubbish on the Prophet [Peace be upon him].
- When losing a child, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him] ’s son, Ibrahim.
- When beginning a long journey, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s a long journey to Madinah.
- When going against a Sunnah, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him] ’s intercession, (Ummati, Ummati, Ummati) (My Ummah).
- When sacrificing an animal, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s sacrifice of 63 animals for his Ummah.
- Before shaving your beard, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him] ’s face rejecting the two beardless Iranians.
- When falling into an argument with your wife, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s encounter with Aisha and Hafsa (Radhiallahu Anha)
- When experiencing less food in the house, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s days of poverty.
- When experiencing poverty, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s advice to Ashaab-e-Suffa (People of Suffa).
- When losing a family member, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s departure from this world.
- When becoming an orphan, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him] ‘s the age at six.
- When sponsoring an orphan, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him] ‘s sponsor for Zaid ibn Haritha.
- When fearing an enemy, remember the Prophet [Peace be upon him]’s saying to Abu Bakr in Mount Thour.
The instance of Blasphemy Law
The first disrespect regulations, from 1927 (under British rule), were comprehensive of all religions and expected to aim to commit lewdness:
§ 295
Harming or contaminating spots of love, with the aim to affront the religion of any class. As long as 2 years of detainment or fine, or both.
§ 295A
Conscious and malignant demonstrations planned to shock strict sensations of any class by offending its religion or strict convictions.